Preventive Diplomacy

Programme 1: Conflict Prevention, Management and Resolution

Outcome: Existence of synergy between the Mediation Facilitation Division in ECOWAS and other regional mediation organs in undertaking Track I and II Mediation


  1. Organize annual review meetings for ECOWAS peace-making organs and local peace constituencies (Council of the Wise, Special Reps of the ECOWAS President, Heads of Zonal Bureaux and CSOs)
  1. Meeting of ECOWAS and Development Partners for need assessment workshop on the modalities for the establishment of the Mediation, Facilitation Division
  1. Emergency Mediation/Peace-making Interventions in the Region
  1. Facilitate the establishment of ECOWAS Mediation Facilitation Division

Programme 2: Cooperation with Development Partners and Intergovernmental Institutions on Peace and Security in West Africa


Institutionalized coordination and cooperation between ECOWAS and its partners on peace-making.


  1. Cooperation with relevant Institutions (EU, AU, UN, other Recs, relevant States, etc…) to promote peace and security in the region

Preventive Diplomacy Total Cost: $1,308,609

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